With the U.S.-led bombing campaign on Afghanistan, there has always been more and more concern about civilians being caught in the middle. Indeed, by early December 2001, some 3,500 Afghan civilians were believed to have been killed by U.S. bombing. Furthermore, many aid agencies criticized the food and aid donors for not dropping enough help while this situation happened. One of the biggest fears, is that violence can result in retaliated violence and can lead to bigger problems. Because of this, civilians are affected on both sides of these wars. Going to war can turn into a never ending process for both sides. Violence is going to lead to even more violence and it can extend it and takes lives of many people even the citizens and civilians of the country. The thing about violence is that its a descending spiral and it goes on for so long that it forgets its main purpose it was set out to destroy.
Instead of this madness getting demolished, the violence multiplies and it doesn't only affect the soldiers. It affects the civilians, and the families of the soldiers that been waiting for their son/daughter, etc. to finally come home. Darkness can not drive out darkness just like two wrongs dont make a right. Hate can not drive out hate, only love and embracement can do that.