Monday, December 14, 2009

War On Terrorism

Immediately after the aftermath of the attacks, the United States Government decided to respond militarily, and began to prepare its armed forces to overthrow the Taliban regime it believed was harboring Al-Qaeda. Before the United States attacked, it offered an official to surrender Osama Bin laden before taking any action. The Taliban said that they would turn Osama Bin laden in to the United States if the U.S. can prove that the attacks were done only by him. They needed official proof before they can turn him in. Soon after, the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan, and together with the Afghan Northern Alliance removed the Taliban government in the war of Afghanistan.

As a result from the United States using their armed forces, Al-Qaeda training camps were destroyed and the plan made by the Taliban were disrupted. In September 2004, the U.S. Government commission investigating the September 11 attacks officially concluded that the attacks were conceived and implemented by Al-Qaeda operatives. In October 2004, bin Laden appeared to claim responsibility for the attacks in a videotape released through "Al Jazeera", saying he was inspired by Israeli attacks on high-rises in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. By the end of 2004, the U.S. Government proclaimed that two-thirds of the senior Al-Qaeda members from 2001 had been captured and interrogated by the CIA.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Conspiracy Theory by Jesse Ventura

A man named Jesse Ventura, born on July 15th, 1951, was a wrestler, actor, former governor, American politician, color commentator, Navy Veteran, and former radio and television talk host. After the conspiracy with the September 11 attacks, Jesse Ventura got involved and questioned what the Government was releasing to the public. He believes that everything the government was telling us is a lie and they are doing this defend our enemies because of past relations. His remarks about the possibility that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives were repeated in newspaper and television stories following some of his interviews. Ventura was interviewed on the Alex Jones radio show on April 2, 2008, on Opie and Anthony on April 8, 2008, and on the "The Howard Stem Show" on may 21, 2008, discussing his views on 9/11 with the show's hosts. He said that he felt that many unanswered questions remain, and he believes that the World Trade Center Building 7, which was not struck by a plane, collapsed on the afternoon of 9/11 in a manner which resembled a well executed controlled demolition.

Ventura stated: "How could this building just implode into its own footprint five hours later? That's my first question. The 9/11 Commission didn't even devote one page to that in their big volume of investigation." He also states that the Twin Towers appeared to be pulverized by the dust, that they fell at virtually free-fall speed, and that no other massive steel-framed buildings had ever collapsed in this manner due to the fire before. On May 8, 2009, when asked by Sean Hannity of Fox News, how George W. Bush could have avoided the attacks of September 11, 2001. Ventura answered, "Well, you pay attention to memos on August 6th that tell you exactly what Osama Bin Laden is going to do."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

USS Cole Bombings

The USS Cole Bombing was a suicide attack against the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole on October 12, 2000 while it was harbored in the Yemeni port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors were killed. On October 12, 2000, USS Cole, under the command of Commander Kirk Lippold, set in to Aden harbor for a fuel stop. The Cole completed going around at 9:30. Refueling started at 10:30. According to the former CIA intelligence officer Robert Finke, the explosion appeared to be caused by explosives molded into a shaped charge against the side of the boat. At the time, it was discovered that they used 1,000 pounds of explosives. The explosion hit the side of the boat, where the crew was lining up for lunch. The crew of the boat fought the flooding in the engineering part of the boat and they had the damage under the control by the evening.

Seventeen sailors were killed and thirty-nine others were injured in the explosion. The injured sailors were taken to the United States Army's "Landstuhl Regional Medical Center" near Ramstein, Germany and later, back to the United States. The attack was the deadliest against a U.S. naval vessel since the Iraqui attack on the USS Stark. This issue was taken to the court and the U.S. Government claimed that Al Qaeda could not have done this without the help of the Sudanese Government. On Jule 25, 2007, the court ordered the Sudanese government to pay $8 million dollars to the family of the seventeen sailors who died. To save the thirty-nine that were injured, Marines flew in towards the ship to get the surviving sailors out.

Monday, December 7, 2009

U.S. Embassy Bombings of 1998

In the 1998 U.S. Embassy Bombings, hundreds of people were killed in truck bomb explosions at the United States embassies in the East African capital cities of Tanzania, Nairobi, Kenya. The attacks linked to the local members of the Egyptian Jihad which brought Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri to America's attention for the first time. This resulted in America placing Osama Bin Laden in the Ten Most Wanted List. The bombings was believed to be revenge of American involvement in the torture of four members of the Egyptian Jihad who had been arrested in Albania. On August 7, between 10:30am and 10:40am (3:30am-3:40am Washington Time), suicide bombers in trucks with explosives parked outside the embassies in Nairobi. In Nairobi, approximately 212 people were killed, and an estimated 400 wounded; Seismologists analyzed that the bombs had the energy of between 3-17 tons of high explosive material.

In response to the bombings, U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered for Operation Infinite Reach, a series of cruise missile strikes on targets in Sudan and Afghanistan on August 20, 1998, announcing the planned strike on a primetime address on television. Investigations were conducted about the embassy bombings by the FBI and Kenyan and Tanzanian authorities. A list of suspects were made and the men were charged for the involvement in the bombings. The embassies were heavily damaged and the one in Nairobi, Kenya had to be rebuilt. In a telephone message relayed by his ally, Ayman Zawahiri, the fugitive leader of Egypt's Jihad organization, Osama Bin Laden warned: "The war has just started and the Americans should wait for an answer. Tell the Americans that we aren't afraid of bombardment, threats and acts of aggression. We suffered and survived Soviet bombings for 10 years in Afghanistan and we are ready for more sacrifices."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

FAQ's about the September 11 Attacks

9/11 happened 8 years ago, isn't it time to move on?

Our entire world took a dark turn as a result of September 11. The war on terror is going to last quite a lifetime, wasting human, economic and natural resources. The Obama Administration is shifting the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and is also now bombing Pakistan. The only way 9/11 would stop being such a major conflict, is if the truth comes out which wouldn't be anytime soon.

The Bush administration has left office. Not much we can do about it now, is there?

The problem with the 9/11 issue is that the Bush Administration as we like to think, is not the only people behind it. This problem contains much more than just a few people with high authority. It just stretches and it is a very complex chain.

How could such a large conspiracy be kept secret for so long? It must have involved thousands of people.

The problem wasn't that large to begin with. The conspiracy must have involved at least a thousand people or so, but this isn't the first time our government has hidden something from us. One example is the Manhattan project (1939-1946), which was a top secret program to develop the first atomic weapon before the Nazis did during WWII and employed 130,000 people.

What about the guys who we claim 'wired' the buildings? Wouldn't they have spoken up by now?

They are guilty of mass murder perhaps, and if they were caught they would receive the death penalty. They were most likely well paid to do what they did and they are probably living in luxury in another country. There's no way they would speak up, because they know what the consequences are for what they committed.

What happened to all the passengers?

They basically all died. None of the passengers on the two planes that hit the twin towers, survived.

Didn't Osama Bin Laden confess to perpetrating 9/11?

No, after 9/11 Osama Bin Laden denied any accusations and said he had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks. The video he supposedly made confessing to the United States, was believed to be a fake. Bin Laden is not even wanted by the FBI due to the lack of evidence.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pentagon Bombing on 9/11

The question of what hit the Pentagon has remained unknown and under debate for three years now, overshadowing other issues of the September 11 attacks. Within 30 minutes of the two planes hitting the World Trade Center towers, American Airlines Flight 77 departed from Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles. The Boeing 757 was hijacked and crashed, loaded with 10,000 gallons of fuel, at 345 mph into the west side of the Pentagon. All 58 passengers, four flight attendants, and both pilots on board, as well as 125 occupants of the Pentagon, died. Although the blast from the plane and the toxic gas and heat from from the fire killed some people in the offices near the crash site, some people working inside the Pentagon that morning did not know that a plane hit their building.

Military and civilian personnel running up and down the hallways yelling for people to get out and be able to save lives. About 2,600 people working in the Pentagon near the impact site. The fact that alot of people were able to survive this, shows that the Pentagon was built well. Because there were tunnels built under the Pentagon, the fire department was able to go through the tunnels and put the fire out and be able to save a couple of people here and there. Large groups of military and emergency room doctors were waiting for survivors to be brought out of the building. Parts of the airplane were thrown on the perimeter of the building and evidence flags were put on the different parts. The FBI and detectives were walking around conducting their investigation. The military was also waiting outside with body bags to pick up those who didnt make it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How was Al Qaeda formed?

Al Qaeda was formed in 1988 by veterans of the Anti-Soviet civil war in Afghanistan, with the purpose of exporting the victory worldwide. Azzam was the deputy of the organization. When Azzam was killed in 1989, Bin Laden took full control of the organization. Between 1991 and 1996, Al Qaeda had its headquarters in Sudan, where it had friendly relations with the national islamic front. The international pressure forced Osama Bin Laden to move back to Afghanistan in 1996, where it allied with Taliban. In late 2001, most of the training camps owned by Osama Bin Laden were destroyed, and the organization became diffused meaning it split up and some recolated in Iran, some in Pakistan, and some in the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Many of the ones who relocated to Pakistan were caught but the few or many who went to Iran remain unclear and not found. Al Qaeda's main purpose is to spread jihad worldwide through a number of means including funding guerilla movements, using propaganda aimed to people to use acts of terrorism, and organizing complex attacks on countries who oppose it. The organization is funded mostly by charitable donations. Before 9/11, the organization had an annual budget of about $30 million. The U.S. State Department declared Al-Qaeda a "foreign terrorist organization" in October of 1999.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bombing of 1993

Another bombing that occurred in the World Trade Center was the bombing of 1993. It occurred on February 26, 1993, to be exact. A car bomb was planted below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 1,500 lb "urea nitrate-hydrogen" gas device was intended to knock down the North Tower into the South Tower, bringing both towers down and killing thousands of people. This attack failed but even though it did, it killed about six people and injured 1,042 others. The attack was planned a group of conspirators. The way this was planned was ridiculous. A young man named Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the garage of the World Trade Center around the afternoon. Twelve minutes later, at around 12:17:37pm, the bomb exploded in the underground garage, generating a pressure of 150,000 "psi".

The bomb instantly cut off the main electrical line, knocking out the emergency lighting system. The bomb also caused smoke to rise up to about the 93rd floor of both the towers, including the stairwells. With the smoke blocking the stairwells, it was hard for evacuation to happen efficiently and quickly. Hundreds of people were trapped in the elevators, including a group of 17 kindergardeners on their way down to the South Tower's obversation deck. They were trapped between the 35th and 36th floor for about five hours. Although many people were injured and a couple died in the bombing of 1993, the towers did not collapse but the garage was damaged pretty badly. If the van was parked a little closer to the World Trade Center's concrete foundations, his plan would have succeeded. He eventually escaped back to Pakistan a few hours after the bombing.

Deaths in the 1993 Bombing

1. Monica Smith, Age 35, a secretary, who was seven months pregnant, was in her office checking time sheets in the B-2 level.

2. Robert (Bob) Kirkpatrick, age 61, a locksmith, was eating lunch in a room next to the Smith's office.

3. Bill Macko, age 47, a maintenance worker, was also eating lunch.

4. Stephen Knapp, age 48, maintenance supervisor, was eating lunch with Macko and Kirkpatrick.

5. John DiGiovanni, age 45, a dental products salesperson, was parking in the underground garage.

6. Wilfredo Mercado, age 37, a receiving agent for Windows on the World Restaurant, was checking in deliveries.

A granite memorial fountain honoring the six who died during the bombing of 1993 was designed by Elyn Zimmerman and dedicated in 1995 on Austin J. Tobin Plaza, directly above the site of the explosion. It also included an inscription that said:

"On February 26, 1993, a bomb set by terrorists exploded below this site. This horrible act of violence killed innocent people, injured thousands, and made victims of us all."

The fountain was destroyed with the rest of the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks. A recovered piece from the 1993 bombing memorial with the text "John D.", from bombing victim John DiGiovanni, is being used as the centerpiece of a new memorial honoring the victims of both 1993 and the 2001 attacks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Some Facts about that WTC that are VERY hard to believe!

- The City chose to build the WTC instead of building a new tunnel and large bridge over the Hudson River.
- Owners of nearby buildings disagreed, and delayed demolition by three weeks with their protests.

- Sixteen blocks were cleared to house the completed WTC.

- More than 10,000 workers involved in building the complex.

- More than 60 of them died during construction.

- The complex covered 16 acres when finished.

- In addition to the towers, five other office buildings made up the WTC complex. The WTC had 12 million square feet of space.

- The buildings had their own ZIP codes - 10047 and 10048.

- Completed, the buildings were 100 feet taller then the Empire State building.

- The towers were different heights. The South tower was 1,362 feet tall, and big brother North tower was 1,368.

- Sixty-eight miles of steel were used in the construction of the buildings.

- The concrete poured was enough to build a road from New York to Washington, DC.

- The steel inside the WTC could have made three more Brooklyn Bridges.

- There were 43,600 windows.

- The Twin Towers had more than 16 miles of staircases.

- The building had 20,000 elevator doors.

- The main elevators at 27 feet a second reached the top in less than a minute.

- There were 828 emergency exit doors.

- The WTC used more power in one day than most small American cities.

- More than 250,000 cans of paint were needed every year for upkeep of the Towers.

- By 9 a.m. each weekday morning, the buildings had an average of 35,000 employees at their desks.

- Seventeen babies were born on the site.

- More than three dozen movies have been filmed there.

- $110.3 million in gold and 120.7 million in silver is buried in the rubble.

- It is the first skyscraper in the world destroyed by terrorists.

Main Information about the World Trade Center

The World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex in Lower Manhattan in New York City whose seven buildings were destroyed in 2001 in the September 11 terrorist attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks. The North Tower was completed in December of 1970 and the South Tower was completed in July of 1971. The construction of the World Trade Center involved transporting a large amount of material which was used in making Battery Park City on the west side of lower manhattan. The complex was located in the center of New York City's downtown financial district and contained exactly 13.4 million square feet of office space.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two 767 jets into the complex, one into each tower, in a coordinated suicide attack. After burning for 56 minutes, the South Tower collapsed, followed by the North Tower, a half-hour later. This attack resulted in 2,750 deaths. The process of cleanup and recovery of the damage of the World Trade Center took 8 months. This tragic event was very devastating. They're were people running and trying to get farther and farther away from the dust and the smoke clouds. My mother worked down at South Street at the time, and still does and she told me that she had to share a cab with 2 other families to get back home. Everyone was rushing and most people didn't have many options when it came down to trying to get home. Many workers threw themselves from the windows and waved flags to see if they can receive some type of help from firefighters and the police.

Everyone was very frightened and concerned. The people who lived near by were recording this whole tragedy in their apartments and were staring in disbelief. People didn't know what to do, what to say, or where to run because the clouds of dust were overpowering and spreading very quickly. Many firefighters sacrificed their lives the morning of September 11. Even though they probably realized that there wasn't a high chance of themselves surviving, they still went back to the burning building and got as many people out as they could before their own lives was taken by the collapse of the North and South Towers. In my opinion, I really do believe that this was all planned out. The reason I say that is because any president who really cared about their country would have freaked out and took action as soon as possible even though there wasn't much that could have been done if the damage was already in progress. President Bush took his sweet time and didn't really care about what was going on. He showed no interest in the tragedy and continued on doing what he was doing while this happened.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The September 11 Attacks

What many people do not know is that After the September 11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden issued a statement on tape that had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because the United States was told that Osama Bin Laden could possible have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would let others know about the terrorist cells and it might make others target more American cities. Most people thought that this tape was fake but till this day, we still do not know.
To make it more clearer, this is exactly what Osama himself said over the tape. "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."

This really shocked the American people because everyone was convinced that this was done by Osama Bin Laden or that he had some connections to those who planned this attack on the United States. Till this day, people are not sure about who was involved in the September 11 attacks but all we know is that the U.S. Government is blaming Al Qaeda which is a network made by Osama Bin Laden which makes him the leader of these people who supposedly planned the attacks. But what many people dont know is that the Bush and Bin Laden family been having relations for over 20 years now. Another thing that was extremely shocking and makes the people think is that how is it that two days after the September 11 attacks, when U.S. air traffic was tightly restricted, 140 Saudis, many of them working for Osama Bin Laden, were permitted to leave the country without getting questioned by the United States intelligence? Just to get more into the September 11 attacks, it was the most devastating attack the U.S. has gone through. The attack began at about 8:45 in the morning. A series of terrorist attacks destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center and severely damaged the Pentagon. The disaster was so devastating and huge that in New York we have yet, two days later, only guess about how many thousands of people perished when the WTC towers collapsed. Commercial airliners were hijacked and flown directly into the three buildings. The first planed crashed into the North tower at 8:45, and about 18 minutes later the second airliner hit the South Tower. At about 9:40, a third airliner crashed into the Pentagon. At about 9:58, the South Tower collapsed, followed by the North Tower at 10:28.

Al Qaeda & how it Began

Osama Bin Laden decided to expand the Al Qaeda foundation even further. Al Qaeda even had a membership roster and a well organized committee, run by the law to back up their actions. Bin Laden got many people from different Middle Eastern countries to join his terrorist network. With all the money he was making, he set up weapons, supply depots and training camps for his Afghan fighters. He hired people to manage the explosives, weapons, and other technical equipment. In August of 1996, Bin Laden publicly announced his hatred towards the United States. He tried his best to convince Arabs and Muslims to go against the United States and to join him on his mission to destroying the United States. On February 23, 1998, Osama and his new partner published a "fatwa" which meant "ruling to kill the Americans and their allies." The "fatwa" was made so that they would be able to kill innocent civilians and members of the military, and that it was their duty to do it wherever and whenever possible.

Al Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most known being the September 11 attacks in 2001. These actions were followed by the U.S. government launching the War on Terrorism. Between three thousand and four thousand members of the network have been captured, and many thousands more killed on the front in Afghanistan. The characteristic techniques include suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings of different targets. These people agreed to be loyal to Osama Bin Laden and do what is told of them even if it means that it would take their life away. The way the network runs things was described as "centralization of decision and decentralization of execution." Al Qaeda has also became geographically isolated from the rest of the world because of their beliefs.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Al Qaeda & Osama Bin Laden's relations to the United States

During the 1980's, a large number of Muslims moved from Middle Eastern countries to Afghanistan to unite with the Afghan people on a war that was going on that began in 1979. Osama Bin Laden was considered a big leader during this time. He used the wealth he posessed, to create a terrorist network that would keep Afghan fighters together. Al Qaeda was funded by a fundraiser and Osama Bin Laden was getting about a million dollars a year. Around 1992, Bin Laden decided to pay close attention to the United States which was known as "the head of the snake" at the time. He stated that the United States gave the wrong people the wrong power and they weren't following the right beliefs.